All-Island Congenital Heart Disease Network
Suímh ar fáil:
Our network provides Cardiology services for all children born on the island of Ireland.
The All-Island Congenital Heart Disease Network is a collaborative healthcare initiative between the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Northern Ireland (NI). This network aims to provide comprehensive and high-quality care for children with congenital heart disease across the island of Ireland.
Glaoigh orainn
Ár Seirbhísí
Diagnosis, condition management and outpatient services are provided in all centres with surgery and interventional procedures carried out at Children’s Health Ireland (CHI).
- Level 1 Centre: Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Dublin
- Level 2 Centre: Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, Belfast
- Level 3 Centres: Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology (PEC) Services
Hospitals where PEC Services are located on the island:
- Cork University Hospital
- Galway University Hospital
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust
- University Hospital Limerick
- Western Health and Social Care Trust
The All-Island Congenital Heart Disease Network was established in 2015 after a review of cardiology and cardiothoracic services in Northern Ireland (NI) and the Republic of Ireland (ROI).
The review, led by an International Working Group (IWG), made several recommendations to improve services for children in Ireland with congenital heart disease. One key recommendation was to create an All-Island Network to ensure equal access to specialist care.
The Network’s main objective is to make sure that:
- Every child born with congenital heart disease in Ireland can access specialist cardiology care.
- Services are provided as close to home as possible.
The Network brings together a range of people who work together to support children with congenital heart disease and their families, including:
- Clinicians
- Managers
- Patient and family representatives
- Health service commissioners (from both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)
This collaboration helps ensure that families receive seamless care, regardless of which side of the border they live on.
The Network is overseen by a Board and reports to the Cross-Jurisdiction Oversight Group (CJOG).
- The CJOG includes senior leaders such as:
- Chief Medical Officers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
- Director of Secondary Care, Department of Health (NI)
- Assistant Secretary, Department of Health (ROI)
The CJOG ensures that the recommendations from the IWG report are implemented effectively.
The Network works across traditional organisational boundaries to provide a unified approach to care for children with congenital heart disease.
This means:
- Improved collaboration between health services in both jurisdictions
- Better outcomes for children and families across the island of Ireland
Seirbhísí gaolmhara
Congenital Heart Disease Network
Buail leis an bhfoireann
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiology
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Surgery
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Ar an leathanach seo gheobhaidh tú eolas faoi:
All Island Congenital Heart Disease Network

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