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Anaesthesiologists are specialist doctors who are responsible for safely providing anaesthesia to your child for operations and procedures.

We look after your child during surgery and recovery. We are also closely involved in your child’s pain management after surgery.

Contact us

Call this line if you have a query about your child’s stay in the hospital such as date of admission.

Our services

Anaesthesia is a special (kind of) sleep that allows an operation and other medical procedures to be carried out safely and without pain.

The word anaesthesia means ‘loss of sensation’. The anaesthetist gives your child special anaesthetic medicines to cause unconsciousness or ‘induced sleep’.

These medicines temporarily stop the nerve signals that normally keep your child awake from reaching the brain. This is known as a “general anaesthetic”.

Is your child having surgery?

To learn more about anaesthesia and what happens on the day of your child having surgery, click on the link to read our information leaflet.

Meet the team

Anaesthesiology at CHI at Crumlin

For healthcare professionals

Referral Pathway to the Anaesthetic Pre-Operative Assessment (APAU) for Elective Surgical Patients

Who does the referral process apply to?

Consultant surgeons and physicians, NCHDs, ANPs, and CNSs.

How to refer?

  1. Use the green ‘Booking form for Inpatient, Day Case or Planned Procedure’
  2. Check the box pre-operative assessment required.
  3. Complete the following sections including:
  • pre-operative tests:
  • infection status
  • sickle cell screen
  1. Specify relevant medications including anti-coagulants and OCP

The APAU nursing team can be contacted on the following:

Call 2603/2604/2605/2606


Referral Pathway Documentation

APAU Referral Pathway

APAU Referral Pathway Poster

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