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Craniofacial Updated

Available locations:

The National Paediatric Craniofacial Centre (NPCC) is based at CHI at Temple Street, Dublin. We provide specialist care for children and young people (birth to 16 years) with craniofacial conditions.

Our multidisciplinary team includes plastic and reconstructive surgeons, neurosurgeons, and specialist support staff.

Contact us

For more information about your child's treatment

Our services

Our multidisciplinary team includes plastic and reconstructive surgeons, neurosurgeons, and specialist support staff.

We treat a range of conditions, including:

  • Congenital conditions (e.g., premature skull fusion, facial anomalies).
  • Acquired conditions (e.g., trauma, tumours).

Conditions we treat

Craniofacial Conditions are complex conditions affecting the soft tissue or bones of the face and/or the head. These include congenital conditions such as premature fusion of the skull sutures and other anomalies or acquired conditions such as trauma or tumours. Abnormal growth patterns from all of these conditions may result in disfigurement and functional impairment.

Meet the team

Our support staff

Craniofacial Ireland

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Outpatient services

Our clinics

We have a range of clinics available located at CHI at Temple Street, Crumlin or St James adults hospital.


Craniofacial MDT Clinic

This multidisciplinary team (MDT) clinic is attended by consultants Mr. Murray and Mr. Caird in conjunction with Mary Shevlin Craniofacial Nurse Specialist and managed by Noelle O’Mahony, the Craniofacial Clinical Services Co-ordinator.

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Craniofacial Orthodontic Clinic

Your child has been referred to the Craniofacial Orthodontic Clinic to meet with specialist Consultants who are experts in treating growth disturbances of the face, jaw, and bite (occlusion).

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What you need to know when you child is having Craniofacial Surgery

At this appointment you will meet Mary Shevlin Craniofacial Nurse Specialist who will arrange the following investigations – Blood tests and Clinical Photographs.

Pre Operative

Adult Craniofacial Clinic

Mr Dylan Murray is the lead Craniofacial Consultant at the Mater Misercordiae University Hospital for adult patients.

For healthcare professionals

Referral Process

The Craniofacial service is a national public service accepting referrals from medical professionals, including Consultant Paediatricians, Neonatologists, Neurosurgeons, GPs, and Area Medical Officers.

Conditions We Treat

Referrals are accepted for:

  • Craniosynostosis (single suture & craniofacial syndromes)
  • Torticollis
  • Growth disorders (e.g., congenital micrognathia)
  • Facial clefts
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Encephaloceles
  • Craniofacial tumours
  • Craniofacial trauma

Referral Requirements

Completed Referral Form
Six photos (see photo guide) – send in three separate emails (two images per email) to avoid issues with large file sizes.
Follow-up phone call to confirm receipt of the referral and images.

How to Refer

  1. Complete the Referral Form and email it to
  2. Attach six photographs as per the photo guide and send in separate emails, referencing the patient’s name and date of birth.
  3. Call to confirm that we have received both the referral and images.

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