General paediatrics
Available locations:
Children are referred to General Paediatricians by their GP or Area Medical Officer. General Paediatricians’ treat day-to-day conditions that are common in childhood.
We also coordinate care with specialists that should be involved in a child’s medical care.
Contact us
To contact us call the number on your child's appointment letter.
Tel: (01) 409 6130
Medical Tower
Tel: (01) 428 2535
General enquires
Tel.: (01) 878 4218
Fax: (01) 8785555
General enquiries:
Tel: (01) 6937500, (01) 6937501
General enquiries:
Contact Us:
CHI at Connolly,
Connolly Hospital,
Mill Road,
Dublin 15
D15 RRN1
Phone:(01) 510 6100
Our services
Our multidisciplinary team includes consultants, Health and social care professionals, administration, and a team of General Paediatric Specialist nurses who are experts at delivering ongoing care to families of children dealing with childhood conditions.
Conditions we treat
Infants may be referred with
- feeding or growth issues,
- abnormal head shapes
- developmental concerns.
Children may be referred with
- abdominal pain
- constipation
- bedwetting
- soiling
- daytime wetting
- headaches
- seizures
- allergy
- asthma or a range of other conditions.
Meet the team
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics/Child Protection
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in General Paediatrics
Consultant in Community Child Health
Consultant in Community Child Health
Consultant in Neurodisability
Consultant in Neurodisability
Additional information
Watch Patient information videos on Constipation and Soiling
Page contents
On this page you will find information about:
For healthcare professionals
Referrals from GPs and Secondary Care Paediatricians are accepted via Healthlink
Please see below information on clinics running at different locations.
General Clinics
The majority of clinics provided by general paediatrics will have a general focus caring for the needs of the undifferentiated child. The casemix for these clinics will be varied and they will be run by a Consultant Paediatrician, a Registrar, a SHO and staff nurses including Clinical Nurse Specialists.
Condition Specific Clinics
Each clinic will be supported by specialist nursing with competencies and skills in particular areas such as asthma education, feeding and weaning advice, and food allergy management including dietary interventions and use of adrenaline autoinjectors as required. These clinics will also be supported by HSCP disciplines such as dietetics, psychology and play therapy.
A list of both types of clinics are below
- Allergy
- Audiology
- Cardiology
- Child Development
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Endocrinology
- Forensic and sexual assault therapy unit
- Gastroenterology
- Medical
- Neurodisability
- Neurology
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics (Trauma/fracture clinic)
- Phlebotomy (Blood Test)
- Physiotherapy
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Pulmonary Function Tests
- Radiology
- Respiratory
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Surgical
- Urology
General Clinics
The majority of clinics provided by general paediatrics will have a general focus caring for the needs of the undifferentiated child. The casemix for these clinics will be varied and they will be run by a Consultant Paediatrician, a Registrar, a SHO and staff nurses including Clinical Nurse Specialists.
Rapid Access Clinics
These clinics aim to provide access for patients to a consultant within 3 weeks of referral. These clinics will see all new patients and aim to see, treat and discharge within a single visit.
The enabler of this clinic is having access to a multidisciplinary team including Clinical Nurse Specialists, Dieticians, Psychologists and other healthcare professionals as required. The focus on these clinics will be providing access to GPs for patients where there is significant parental concern.
Condition Specific Clinics
Four condition-focussed clinics have been proposed as part of the new model of care;
- Faltering growth
- Food allergy
- Asthma
- Children with severe constipation / continence issues requiring multidisciplinary input.
Each clinic will be supported by specialist nursing with competencies and skills in particular areas such as asthma education, feeding and weaning advice, and food allergy management including dietary interventions and use of adrenaline autoinjectors as required. These clinics will also be supported by HSCP disciplines such as dietetics, psychology and play therapy.