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Metabolic medicine

Available locations:

The National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (NCIMD) is the Irish referral centre for children with metabolic genetic disorders. We diagnose and care for families affected by metabolic disorders using a holistic and family-centred approach. We have a multidisciplinary team at NCIMD with extensive experience in the acute and long-term management of metabolic disorders.

Metabolism is the process by which your body makes and utilises energy. Chemicals in the body break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates from foods into sugars and acids, which are the body’s ‘fuel’. A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical reactions in your body disrupt this process. When this happens, you might have too much of some substances or too little of other ones that you need to stay healthy and the symptoms vary from one condition to another. There are over 500 known metabolic disorders.

Contact us

Call this line if you have a query about your child’s stay in the hospital such as date of admission.

Our services

The NCIMD treats patients with inherited metabolic disorders, often from birth onwards, and provides care to patients from all 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland.

The NCIMD has six paediatric metabolic consultants and a full multidisciplinary team.

  • nurses
  • dietitians
  • a healthcare assistant
  • psychologist
  • medical social worker
  • physiotherapist
  • a hospital play specialist
  • admin staff

Meet the team

Additional information

National Centre for Inherited Metabolic Disorders

Useful Informational Videos

For healthcare professionals

Referrals to the NCIMD typically come from the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Programme, and from tertiary and quaternary sources.

New referrals are accepted within the age-attendance policy of CHI, i.e. up to the eve of the person’s 16th birthday.

The NCIMD is recognised by the European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) to provide training for medical professionals in paediatric inherited metabolic diseases.

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