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Preparing for your stay

We hope to make your child’s stay with us as comfortable as possible. Our guide covers everything you need to know about staying with us, so that both you and your child are well prepared.

Before your visit

Important information

On the morning of admission, please call the number on your admissions letter to confirm that there is a bed available for your child. Do not travel to the hospital until you have called us.

It’s important to help your child feel prepared for their visit to the hospital. Many children find hospitals scary, but knowing what to expect can help them feel more comfortable.

To help prepare your child:

  • explain why they are coming to the hospital
  • tell them what will happen, and how long they will be at the hospital for
  • reassure them that it’s ok to be scared
  • read them stories about hospitals, or play doctors and nurses
  • encourage them to ask questions and talk about their feelings
  • be open and honest with them about what to expect

What if my child is unwell?

Please let us know if your child has had:

  • a cough, sore throat, flu, vomiting or diarrhoea in the last week
  • a vaccination in the last week
  • an infectious illness such as measles or chickenpox within the last six weeks

We may need to postpone their admission until they are better. This helps us protect our staff and other patients from infection.

What to bring

Think about the things you would usually bring for any other stay away from home. This should help you remember all the essentials.

We have a limited amount of storage space for each child, so please pack lightly.

Your child may need:

  • any current medication
  • nappies and barrier cream
  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • toiletries such as a face cloth, sponge, soap and shampoo
  • a towel
  • hairbrush or comb
  • underwear
  • comfortable daytime clothes
  • pyjamas and a dressing gown
  • slippers or comfortable shoes
  • a favourite toy or blanket
  • a good book, tablet or board game to help pass the time

You should also bring:

  • your child’s admission letter
  • your child’s medical card or private health insurance information
  • your phone
  • coins for the phone, vending machines and parking metres

Arriving at the hospital

When you arrive at the hospital go directly to the Admissions Office. An Admissions Officer will check your child in and contact the ward to let them know you’ve arrived. You may be asked to wait while the ward prepares your child’s bed.

On the ward you’ll be welcomed by one of our nurses. They’ll show your child to their bed, and introduce them to the rest of the team and the other children on the ward. If you’d like, they can even give you a quick tour to show you where all the important facilities are.

Once you’re settled in, the nurse will ask a few questions about your child. This may include details about past care, medical history and contact information. This helps us ensure they’re getting the best possible care at times when you can’t be with them.


You will be asked to give your consent to your child’s admission and treatment in hospital. Please contact the Admissions Department if you’d like to see a copy of our consent information leaflet.

During your stay

Hospital rules

Our visiting guidelines help to keep our staff, visitors and patients safe. Please ensure you follow our rules and policies at all times during your child’s stay.

Infant and Specialised Feeds

Children’s Health Ireland endorses the HSE and WHO guidelines supporting exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life followed by continued breastfeeding, with appropriate complementary foods, until the age of two or beyond. We will support a parent to initiate or continue to breastfeed (or express) for their child during their hospital stay.

The hospital can provide a range of standard infant formulae for a baby that is not breastfed and is admitted to the hospital. The hospital will endeavour to provide a specialised feed or product if your infant/child needs one

Your child as an inpatient

Safety with medicines

To help keep your child safe while they’re in hospital:

  • tell us about any medicines they take at home
  • tell us about any allergies and reactions they’ve had
  • keep their patient identity bracelets on at all times
  • don’t give them any medicines, unless approved by a nurse
  • call for a nurse if a medication pump beeps

Additional information

Going home

We aim to discharge your child as soon as they are well enough to go home. We will always try to give you as much notice as possible, so that you can make arrangements for travel or work.

Before you leave the ward, you’ll be given further information about your child’s care and details of any follow up appointments they may need. Our nurses will be happy to answer any questions you may have before you go home.

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